I have not been sporting my wedding ring much lately and my supermodel
good looks have been suffering a bit as well. Let me put any rumors or
theories to rest.
My marriage is great. Fantastic actually! I can see why a few people
have asked if everything is alright...I look like hell, dark circles
under my eyes, a catatonic stare and, as of late, no wedding rings.
Again, let me reiterate; Chuck and I are fine,
really we are, that being said, I believe someone is out to get me. I
have this nagging suspicion someone is slowly killing me. I can't prove
this hunch, but, I think it is Emily. Yes, my darling daughter may just
be the cause of my demise. When Chuck called
home the other morning I told him I believed I may be living my last
day here on Earth...that I was not long for this life. Let me lay the
case out against Emmie and you can decide for yourself...
do I believe Emily is slowly killing me? Well, there is no one big
thing but many, many little things that when combined together are not
compatible with life.
Let me start at the bottom and work my way up. Literally, I am
starting at the bottom. My feet. So I know it is typical a woman's foot
may grow during pregnancy. Mine did with Sara, my first child. They
went from a 6 to a 6 1/2. Fine, I can deal with
that. When I was carrying Anna my feet stayed put at 6 1/2. So I
figured that would be it. Nope, with Em they grew again!! Now I have a
7- 7 1/2 depending on the shoe. Now I really don't care about the
actual number, but, I have tiny bird ankles...the
only thing on me I can confidently describe as tiny! So when I am
forced to wear a size 7 1/2 shoe my feet not only look as if they are
ensconced in a cement block, it kind of feels that way too. It does
something to my center of gravity and I am constantly
tripping over my own feet. It makes me wonder? Was her plan to take
me out in some "accidental" trip and fall? Either way I am putting Jim
Sokolove's number on speed dial.
moving up a bit to my belly. Or the misshapen blob that holds the
place of what used to be my belly. I am not going to revisit the 'hole
in my belly' fiasco,
and I don't want to call anyone out on that but, Emily may have some
ownership on that one. So my stomach has settled into this terrible
squared off formation. I guess this is what people refer to as the "new
normal". My new normal belly looks like a block
sitting atop two normal looking legs. Picture if you will, a lego
person. They have a normal head, a squared off torso and regular legs.
If push comes to shove and I ever find myself out of work I think I
have a decent shot of making it as an extra in the
next Lego's movie. Everything is Awesome!! I have so many scars on my
belly and thanks to Emmie my stretch marks are EPIC! The other day
Anna asked why my belly looked like a raisin. I gave the standard mom
answer, "oh those are a badge of honor...blah,
blah, blah...bullsh*t, bullsh*t, bullsh*t". Then it hit me. I have
seen those Youtube videos where a hawk comes down and swoops up a
baby...what if on some extremely rare occasion my belly were to see the
light of day...which would never happen, because
I have way too much respect for my fellow human beings to subject them
to that..But what if? Would an eagle, hawk or better yet, a vulture
mistake my belly for a plump, ripe raisin and swoop me off for dinner?
Is that how she is going to "off" me? Turn
me into bird food? God this baby is good...
misshapen belly still looks pregnant and surprisingly only fits into
maternity pants. Fine, whatever. Not really, because, even though it
fits into maternity
pants that doesn’t mean they look good on me. My belly, though huge
again, is a deflated version of its pregnant self…meaning it is not taut
and does not look round and smooth in the high waisted slacks. That
presents a bit of a challenge…enter my maternity
spanx. Remember those from blog posts past? I am forced to wear
the spanx under my pants. Those do not come without risks. So, if
Emily’s plan of turning me into bird food doesn’t work out there is
always the chance I will die from severe internal organ
compression due to the spanx, or if it is a particularly hot day,
spontaneous human combustion is always on the table.
becoming pregnant with my dear, sweet Emmie girl I have been sprouting
weird, random hairs. Don't get me wrong, I am not becoming the bearded
lady or anything
but my tweezers are in high demand these days. She did something to my
hormones that have made my eyebrows try their hardest to become a
uni-brow. So her previous plans to get rid of me may have
her thought is turn me into a Sasquatch and have
Bo-Bo come a huntin'...or even better, I may be mistaken for the ever
elusive chupacabra. For her it would be a win-win...if I were to be
captured she would be rid of me and rich beyond her wildest baby
dreams. I am sure there is a handsome bounty on a real,
live chupacabra.
now for the reason I am not wearing my ring...I have been suffering
from carpal tunnel. This started when I was pregnant with Emily. I
just thought since I
was so huge my girth must have been cutting something off somewhere.
My arms and hands would go numb when I would try to sleep. I
thought since I was still carrying around the extra weight that was
still the issue. It has become unbearable lately; Aleve
and wrist splints aren’t cutting it anymore. I ended up at my doctor’s
the other day. She is sending me for an EMG. I am not sure what those
letters stand for and I refuse to Google them because I am afraid the
‘E” might stand for electrical. I would rather
just go into the appointment ignorant, and, if they shock my hands into
submission so be it…I will just deal with it then…why add to the stress
and worry about it for the 3 weeks leading up to it? If you do know what
the “E” in EMG stands for, good for you, please
keep it to yourself. I would like to think the “E” stands for Easy,
like Easy Muscle Guidance or something similarly blissful sounding. My
doctor did say there is a good possibility I will need surgery to
correct this condition. It is quick she said. You
will be in and out in a few hours she said. Have you met me? I said.
If you know anything about my past medical history, you will know
nothing is easy. I told her I would end up inpatient for 4 months
nursing a whopping case of MRSA and would eventually
need bilateral, above the elbow amputations. Of course for dramatic
effect I am saying this with my arms bent at my elbows kind of flopping
them around. I ask Anna if she would still love me if I looked like
this and she said, “Yeah, you won’t be able to
hug me anymore but you could pat me on my head with your baby arms”…God
I love that kid! She truly is my mini-me! So for the next 3 weeks I
have to wear the braces as much as possible. Translation; for a few
hours each day after the kids go to sleep. Why
don’t I wear them? 1. I look stupid wearing them in public. Yes, I
know that is not the strongest argument. 2. They are really hot and
make my arms sweaty and smelly. Again, I am aware that is not the best
reason either. Finally, 3. They make me have
Lego hands. You know what I mean? 4 of my fingers are permanently
cupped into a circle with my thumb all by itself directly opposite
them. A Lego hand. It is next to impossible to function with a Lego
hand, I can’t prepare bottles for the baby, change
her, wipe, cook, etc., etc. So I now have Lego hands, add to that my
Lego belly/body from a few paragraphs ago and I am steering clear of the
new Lego Land store in town. All it would take is one smile from Emily
and I am sure she could convince her two
older cousins, Declan & Aidan to pick me up and sit me on one of the Lego
displays. Have you seen how those things connect? Unless someone picks
me up I will have a circular, plastic nub up my ass and become a
permanent fixture in their window display. Well played Emily,
well played!
having Emily my eyesight has gone down the sh*tter. I am the not so
proud owner of bifocals now. I hate them and try as hard as possible to
not wear them.
If I go to long without them my eyes start twitching. An eye twitch
can have several unintended consequences; if I am glancing at someone
while this happens they may think I am coming on to them, not good for
many reasons or, the twitch may cause such a distraction
I walk into something, drive off the road or dig my own eye out in a
fit of rage. It is true when they say having a baby changes your life.
Emily has changed my life in ways I never expected…
not convinced she is trying to kill me? Need a few more examples? OK,
remember back to my post about Emmie just stopping nursing? Just
quit. One day she
was done. That had a whole host of repercussions in itself. Little
did I know her quitter attitude would end up with me in an MRI scanner.
I had several instances where my vision got a little funky. A portion
of my vision would get fuzzy and then a spot
in the center made everything look as if I were looking through a
kaleidoscope. Now, I am not a doctor or a nurse but even I know that is
just not right. I end up getting an MRI and seeing 3 doctors for
this. Like I have time for this crap? Anyway, turns out
they are ocular migraines. Get this; caused by a shift in my hormones
from no longer nursing, thanks Emily, and from a lack of sleep. So to
clarify for you, since they are caused by a lack of sleep there is
absolutely nothing I can do to fix this except get
good, quality sleep. So basically I am screwed. I guess I should just change my name to Lucy,
you know in the sky with diamonds? Cuz I am now the girl with the
kaleidoscope eye. Lack of sleep may be the manner of death she is
angling for now. Thoughts?
Perhaps. I have proof, albeit circumstantial that Emily may be trying
to have me bleed to death. The other night I was making her a bottle at
about 3 a.m. Don’t judge! I know she is too old for a middle of the
night bottle, but I am in survival mode these days. So I have the
annoying wrist guards one, I am trying to hold Emily without dropping
her and I am fixing the bottle. Emily sees my vulnerability
with my Lego hands and she slams the sharp, plastic formula container
on my finger. She would not let go. I wanted to scream but I didn’t
want to wake the other kids lest feel the wrath of Sara at 3 a.m. So I
am trying to be all sweet as my finger is starting
to bleed and I am seriously getting a plan together for when my finger tip
drops to the floor. Do I put it on ice? Or is it milk? Should I call
911? Or just drive myself? Fortunately she relented and a Band-Aid was
enough to keep me alive. The little vampire
struck again the next day when she lifted up my shirt and dug her
dagger finger into my belly button. Drew blood and gave me a good
scratch. If you have never experienced a baby’s sharp nail inside your
belly button, I am going to let you in on something;
it hurts like a son of a bitch!!! Fortunately I survived those
assassination attempts. But she is not giving up. I swear she should
hang out with Edward Snowden…she is that good. She will look you
straight in the eye all while plotting your death. She
knows that I am on to her and she has changed up her M.O. Now, Emily
has become even more devious. She has begun hatching plans where it
will look like I am responsible for my own undoing. Case in point, the other night after everyone went to bed I was in the kitchen minding my own business, read between the lines; sneaking some ice cream. The baby started to cry so I threw the ice cream in the freezer, bowl and spoon included. It takes a good 10 minutes to get her back to sleep. I put her down and go get my frosty treat. I sit down on the couch, get the DVR teed up, pick up the spoon a la Bob Dole and one of his pens (believe it or not I was actually wearing the wrist splints) and take a bite of the ice cream. No word of a lie my effing tongue sticks to the metal spoon. I sh*t you not when I say it was stuck there for a sold 3 minutes. Now it hurt like a mutha trying to get it off but I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of my life. I thought about calling out to "Thuck" aka Chuck but then I would have to admit I was eating ice cream at midnight. I just had to wait it out and let it melt. I am not positive, but, I think I may have heard Emily giggling in her sleep.
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